Thursday, February 19, 2009

Senator Wright argues for the budget package

Watch this mental patient:

Senator Wright, STOP SPENDING.  You are not a moderate.  You are just a mental patient and you're off your meds.  Your sob stories do not alter the reality that all economies are contracting.  All economies are shrinking and you want to expand $47 billion more?  Actually, you want to spend $100 billion more because that's how you roll.

On top of that, you invoke the name of Jesus to vote for this politically centered budget?  That's pure blasphemy, Senator Wright!

Jesus would not recommend that we rely upon the government take care of people.  If people are suffering, it is the responsibility of the person, family, neighbor, and the local community who should be there, not a centralized bloated bureaucracy with mental issues.

Posted via email from Anthony Martin's Weblog

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