Tuesday, February 3, 2009

How much can the government do to fix our economy?

I guess I shouldn't be so surprised. To me, half the problem is that people trust this government of theirs to magically fix things that defy logic. Don't they know this fiction is no different from Santa and the Tooth Fairy?
The real answer is that government already has the tools and authority needed to address the problem, but they have ignored their mandate. All they should be doing is upholding the rule of law and prosecuting fraud. That's it. Everything else will only delay the recovery.

Sent from my iPhone

Posted via email from Anthony Martin's Weblog

1 comment:

AskMieke said...

Absolutely and Amen. There is only one solution to our economy...and every working or recently laid off person in America knows what that is. They know this will be painful and they are doing whatever they can to prepare for it. If we value our freedoms and our free market system, we must encourage the self-proclaimed "leaders" to STAND DOWN!!!!
They are about to trade what has worked for 200 years, for something that has never worked, not in this country, not in any country.
My faith in God tells me, this may be just exactly what America needs to bring them to their knees. I know how things like this affect me and my family. Our church is now standing room only at 4 services and a groundswell of real conservative patriots is building. There is no slippery slope...we are at the edge of an abyss that will make the depression look like the good old days. Even during the civil war, both sides were reading from the same bible and praying to the same God. Our nations apostasy has taken it's toll. The thieves and pirates in the Capitol can not be stopped until they've bankrupted our nation and put us economically at the mercy of our enemies.
God be with us.