Monday, February 23, 2009

February School Site Council

The information here is gathered under the best of my ability and understanding. If I have anything wrong, I am willing to listen to correction. Part of the problem is due to the inability for people to fathom some of the facts. But that's not the whole problem. I feel like it's better to dive in and make mistakes than to sit idle and hope everything works out.
Today I cast my first "nay" vote as a member of School Site Council of my son's school. I opposed the principal in her attempt to amend the school plan to include clarification on one of the goals. The exact goal isn't important. What's important is that this is goal was mandated by state and federal law which I oppose.
In clarifying the goal, the way I understand it, the principal is hoping to justify expenditures so that the school may qualify for a particular category of spending which I oppose.
My opposition didn't amount to much. I was the only "nay" vote and the action item passed as amended. But my "nay" vote carries with it the desired implication, "Ye shall go no further." Sure, they out number me. But I do not give consent. Obviously they may go as far as they want, but not with my approval.
I have a fundamental disagreement with the lack of local control the school is able to make. This lack of control means the school is barred from certain activities it might otherwise decide to take. To me, the whole system is broken and it's time to put on the breaks.  This latest budget crisis just drives the point further.

1 comment:

Anthony said...

By the way. For breaks vs. brakes ... I blame the public schools for that too. :)