Thursday, March 12, 2009

Should We Let Iran Have Nuclear Weapons?

I keep seeing articles on my aggregator that ask the question, "Should We Let Iran Have Nuclear Weapons?"

What arrogance.  But I guess if only 61% of people in the US are sure it's not the job of the government to keep people from overeating, I really shouldn't be surprised at these kinds of questions.

Again I am reminded that the only thing we learn from history is that we don't learn anything from history.

The US Government has threatened practically every country that embarks to seek nuclear technology.  But when they achieve nuclear weapons capability, the US stops threatening them and even send money!  Such a deal!  So with that kind of track record, why would Iran stop researching all things nuclear?  What are our so-called "leaders" telling the world by acting like that?

If Israel and/or US forces try to disarm Iran by force, it will be because they didn't learn from Otto von Bismarck who warned that preventative war is "like committing suicide out of fear of death."

Not because Iran is powerful.  By no means.  But we are in the worst economic crisis because of these foreign and domestic preventative strategies.  It doesn't work.  To suggest otherwise is to just ignore history.

Posted via email from Anthony Martin's Weblog

1 comment:

AskMieke said...

Arrogance is the only word for it.