Sunday, May 17, 2009

Abortion Common Ground? #abortion #liberty

Today, the president said:

... when we open our hearts and our minds to those who may not think like we do or believe what we do -- that's when we discover at least the possibility of common ground.

He was talking about the abortion "debate."  At first, I believed there was no way to discern "common ground" on the abortion debate.  But then I realized, the common ground is the use of force.  US Presidents either advocate the use force to ban abortion or they advocate the use force to perform them.  I object to the use of force for both situations.

I am being taxed to perform abortions.  If abortions were illegal, I would be taxed to prevent them.  It is a form of welfare either way and it is wrong.

For the record, I object to being taxed to prevent things like rape and murder too.  Law enforcement doesn't do a very good job at preventing it anyway.  I would rather protect myself with my own resources, not the resources of someone else.

Posted via email from Anthony Martin's Weblog

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