Saturday, January 3, 2009

U.S. Census Bureau

Larry from the U.S. Department of Commerce came by to drop off my assignment: a log for family expenses for the week.  He wanted information about our family's demographics and gave instructions on how to use the log.  I got his card and asked him about the nature of his affiliation with the federal government.  He said he was a Field Representative.  I also asked him if he took an oath to uphold the Constitution.  He indicated that he had.

I was actually expecting someone from the department some time this week because they sent a letter ahead.  I know they use this information to adjust the CPI which in turn adjust things like Social Security payments, government pensions, etc.

I don't believe the CPI should be collected.  It is wrong for Social Security to exist in the first place.  I know we all think SS is the most solid investment for retirement, especially now that most mutual funds have lost 40%, but it's still wrong.  It's a ponzi scheme just like the one Madoff created, only SS is 100 times bigger than Madoff's scheme (who?).  Collecting the CPI data really only propitiates the scheme.

On top of all this, the Bureau of the Census annual budget is $1,230,000,000.  For a bureau who's only Constitutional job is to count the number of people every 10 years, I think this budget is highly excessive that that task, but of course they do more than that.  Yet, this is only a single arm of the Commerce department, who's annual budget is over $6 billion.

But I am going to cooperate because I want to be familiar with what information they collect.  I don't want to give Larry a hard time.  But I do want to inform him that his employment is immoral and he should quit his job.  I know in an economic environment such as this, my suggestions will fall on deaf ears.  But what are you doing to make our government smaller?

Goals on this assignment for the resistance:

  1. Give as accurate information as possible to the government expense log.
    • More accurate information is a problem for the government, so there is no desire to fabricate anything on the expense log.
  2. Gather possible intelligence on the current state of government interest in the data.
    • How are they going about it?  Is it a serious task or just subterfuge?
  3. Inform Larry what his role is from the resistance's perspective.
    • I.e. He is enabling the whole process by being under the employment of the federal government.

Posted via email from Anthony Martin's Weblog

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